Friday, February 20, 2009

Health Condtions

Children who work in labor conditions have health problems for examples:

  • Asthma

  • Black lung disease

  • Spinal bithia

  • Mal nutrition

  • more susceptible to infections

Women who work in labor conditions have health problems for examples:

  • Spinal Bithia

  • Black lung disease

  • Mental Health disorder

Living Conditions

Living condtions for Women and Children are noo that great. It veary for different countries. Some live in a one room and wases dishes out sid and cooks on a poratable propane convertable . Other women and children share the same room togather.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Low Wages

Examples of what women and children earned in different countries:

Mexico $3 per day in U.S. Funds!
Bangladesh $0.13 per hour in U.S. Funds
China - $0.44 per hour in U.S. Funds
Costa Rica - $2.38 per hour in U.S. Funds
Dominican Republic - $1.62 per hour in U.S. Funds
El Salvador - $1.38 per hour in U.S. Funds
Haiti - $0.49 per hour in U.S. Funds
Honduras - $1.31 per hour in U.S. Funds
Indonesia - $0.34 per hour in U.S. Funds
Nicaragua - $0.76 per hour in U.S. Funds
Vietnam - $0.26 per hour in U.S. Funds

Here are some countries who allegedly makes US brand names:

Bangladesh (2004) Mary Kate & Ashley .18 p/hr.
Burma (2004) NBA .14 p/hr.
China (2004) NFL/NBA/MLB .165 p/hr.
China (1997) Nike 1.75 p/hr.
Costa Rica (1998) Rawlings Baseball 1.15 p/hr.
El Salvador (2001) Gap .55 p/hr.
Haiti (1996) Disney .28 p/hr.
Honduras (2003) P. Diddy .75 p/hr.
Honduras (1996) Levis & Nike 5.40 p/day
Honduras (1996) Wal-Mart/Kathie Lee .31 p/hr.
Indonesia (2002) Nike 2.46/p day
Nicaragua (2000) Kohl's Dept. Stores 3.00 p/day
Vietnam (2004) NBA .15 p/hr.
Vietnam (2000 Nike 564 p/year
Vietnam (1997) Nike 1.60 p/day

info from

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Typical Jobs

Typical jobs for Women are: sweatshops, maids, Different Mining, and Working in the fields

Typical jobs for Children are: mines, mills, selling things, Tourist guide, Factories,Set up small shops and Prostitution.

Women who do maids job do a lot of different jobs around the house for the people. They get paid very low wages and depends on the hours and hours paid. Some women get miss treated and get no respect. They lose there rights for freedom. Some beating, no food and the sleep in shed or outside. Women who worked in sweatshops live in poor conditions and worked in hazardous places that can lead to health illness or later on death. They get paid low wages depending on the hours they work. Some workers put together shoes and clothes. Some of the stuff they used are hazardous glue that can cause lungs problem.

Children who worked in coal mines would get frostbite, different illness in the lungs like asthma. Children who worked in conflict diamonds lose there limbs or can get sick from inhaling fumes. Other jobs for children don't pay much and the money goes to family to help out.

Five Concepts And Why They Are Important

The Five Concepts Are:

  • Not much skill needed

  • Low wages

  • Typical jobs

  • Health promblems

  • Living conditions